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Oh those are pretty! I would love some ornaments that my kids could do on their own! Ok, can you elaborate on the screwdriver part...are you pushing the fabric down into the ball with it? And it doesn't make a big hole? I assume you are using the actual screwdriver end. THANKS! I'm going to try this if I can figure it out. :)


Sorry I might not have explained it well. You push with the screwdriver in the middle of the square of fabric, pushing it into the styrofoam. It does make a hole but you can't see it because the fabric covers it up. Then keep pushing in fabric, pretty close together, until it's covered. Does that make sense?


Megan, yes that makes total sense! I wasn't worried about the hole showing but moreso about the fabric just falling back out...but I guess I am picturing too big of a hole! HA! Gotta make a Hobby Lobby run soon!! :) thanks!!


Hi. I come to your blog from Kristen Polk's (she's my sister in law), and I did these today with my 2 oldest girls (7 and 4). They LOVE doing it. I am going out tomorrow for more fabric. The balls I got were a little big so I got some smaller ones to make for other people. Thanks for the idea!!


Hi Whitney! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :) So glad you like them - I had to make another fabric run too! My kids are wanting to make these all the time! :)


Call me dense (since I can't blame it on the lack of sleep anymore), but I'm still confused with the pushing it through the hole. How does it not fall out? And how do you keep adding fabric to the same hole? Please oh please I wish I was as crafty as you. Did you make this up yourself?


Ashley, maybe I should get back on my video kick and do a video of it. :) The styrofoam keeps it in, and you don't add to the same hole, you poke different holes all over the ornament to cover it with fabric. And no, I don't come up with anything on my own, I see it online or in magazines. :)

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