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Member since 09/2005


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Rob made a table for us, too! We LOVE it. One thing I especially love is that you can change the leg to give the table longer life - ie - taller legs.


Wow! Your playroom looks fabulous! What a great solution with the tables for their favorite toys so that the tiny pieces are up off the floor. You are encouraging me to get busy working on solutions for our own messes at our house.


You should be on HGTV! I want a close up of the words on the bottom of the new tables! Did he sign them and write a little note? Fred does that when he makes stuff.


It's so great to have a handy hubby. :) Your playroom looks great, and I know it feels even better!


You sure did a GREAT job! Your playroom looks like a place I would love to play in. It would make the kids want to take care of it and put things away I think.


Hello!!! Amazing room makeover!! I need you in my messy house that keeps getting worse. Ahhh.. Beautiful!!! What size frames did you use for your children's pictures? Where did you purchase them? They are the perfect size for children portraits.

Tina Gordon

I came over from i heart organizing - your playroom is absolutely amazing!! All your hard work paid off! It is so calm & relaxing. Everything is so nice! Beautiful job!


Love this, makes me wish we had a designated playroom for our kids. Maybe after we finish the basement someday... good job!


Thanks so much! Keisha - the frames are 24 x 36 and they are from Target. I appreciate it, ya'll! :)


Wow! It looks amazing! I saw your post on I Heart Organizing and loved everything about your room re-do! I sooooo wish my husband (or even myself) were handy and could actually make something. Maybe John can write up a little tutorial on those tables ;)
So glad I found your blog!

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