This is a tradition Ansley started when she was little - I want to say around three, but sadly, I can't recall. I do know that she started it. And it continues to this day. If you have come to our house for a visit, you have most likely received the Greiner Kid treatment. As you are pulling out of our driveway, they get ready by the mailbox. Then as you drive down the road, and out of our sight, the kids run down the yard as fast as they can, waving and yelling "Bye!" at the top of their lungs. It's really quite a sweet tradition, and one that Christian caught onto pretty quickly. Come for a visit - you'll see.
Why do I not feel we've received this farewell? Maybe their just so sad to see us go they aren't able? Or actually maybe it's because we always seem to say good-bye in a parking lot at a restaurant? that I think about that, is that strange?
MEGAN RESPONDS: Yes, I think it's the parking lot thing. I guess that is rather strange, but what can I say, we are an eating bunch. (There's no need to point fingers as to who might be the bigger eaters among us.)
Posted by: Ashley | 05/03/2010 at 11:29 PM