We watched my friend Allison's children this evening, giving us a total of six. We took them all to dinner and then came back to the house to play. It's quite a feat, me being like two days pregnant and all. Whew. It's exhausting carrying around this little popcorn kernel.
But anyway, my favorite part of the evening, well besides this stinkingly cute photo, is at dinner when this sweet old woman came up to our table, who had been staring at us since we came in, and said "You have SUCH a beautiful family." She had such a sweet look about her that I didn't even want to correct her. I just smiled and said thank you.
You might think this photo took forever to create, but you'd be wrong. I asked them all to line up by age, from oldest to youngest, and they all hopped to it. Then looked at me and smiled, and I shot. Piece of cake, this having six kids stuff.